About Kim

Brett Torossi says a bit about Kim Dale

Kim Dale paints stories.

Her paintings and words are Kim’s way of opening an often hidden world. Her endless passion and intriguing story telling gift lights up her childlike innocence and curiosity. A light that is inspiring and contagious.

Kim does not see or experience the world like other people. Her radar and compass are highly sensitive to the rhythm and flows of the natural world. This way of being synergistically connects her to the unseen intelligence of universal liveliness. Kim’s grounded approach to life is refreshing and her generous soul means she is happy to share her paintings and words with the world.

Kim lives on the east coast of Tasmania with her dogs ‘Petie’ and ‘Pip’, Horse ‘Star’, ram ‘Iggy’ and other animals who are all allowed inside the house with her husband Pete. The local wildlife (owls, sea eagles, native hens, quolls, wombats and potaroos) don’t come inside, but they are drawn to her and all come to visit her place.

Brett Torossi.